Contact Centre Performance Analysis

About this project

Analyze data sets to identify

Call Volume Trends

Resolution Rates

Satisfaction Rating Trends

Leveraged Field Parameter to show these on any granularity with a single click: Monthly, Weekly, Day of the Week

Matrix table to show KPIs for each of the agent (Resolution %, Avg Satisfaction Rate, Calls Received, Calls Answered, Answer Rate)

Correlation between Call Resolution and Average Satisfaction Rating

Thursday appears to be the best day for Resolution and hence Satisfaction rates too

Some DAX: Non Resolution % = DIVIDE ( CALCULATE(COUNT(Sheet1[Resolved]),'Sheet1'[Resolved]="N"), COUNT(Sheet1[Call Id]))

Calls Answered = CALCULATE( COUNTROWS('Sheet1'), Sheet1[Answered (Y/N)] = "Y")

Answer Rate = DIVIDE( [Calls Answered], COUNT(Sheet1[Call Id]))

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