FP20 Analytics Challenge - Coffee Reviews Analysis

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FP20 Analytics Challenge - Coffee Reviews Analysis

FP20 Analytics Challenge - Coffee Brand Reviews

About this project

About the dataset

For many of us, a cup of coffee is an integral part of the day. But how much do we really know about the intricacies of coffee production? This challenge dives into the world of coffee roasters to uncover hidden trends and intriguing insights. Prepare to explore a rich dataset brimming with information about coffee origins, roasts, prices, ratings, and more.

What should your report include?

  1. What is the most expensive coffee per 100g, and what features distinguish it?
  2. Which country of origin has the highest average rating for coffee?
  3. Which coffee brand has the best/worst average rating every year?
  4. Which roaster has received the best reviews in terms of average rating?
  5. How many coffees have a rating above 90?
  6. Which coffee has a “light” roast?
  7. Which country contributes the most to the dataset in terms of coffee production?
  8. Is there any relationship between the price of coffee and its rating, considering different origins and roast?
  9. In North America (Roaster location), show a word cloud visual of their coffee’s Aroma.
  10. Top 5 high average rating coffee brands in Asia, do they have a common Mouthfeel? Provide recommendations for future Asian markets.



Dashboard Pages


undefinedThis pages describe 3 main metrics: Coffee Brands, Price and Rating by its Type of Roast, Origin and Roaster


undefinedThis page focuses on factors affecting coffee prices, coffee brands around the world, and provides a platform where users can discover coffee that suits their taste and explore various coffee-related facts.

Analytics Insight

  1. What is the most expensive coffee per 100g, and what features distinguish it?

→ Mama Cata Mokkita - Paradise Roaster (132.28$/100g), this coffee also have highest rating with 97 and is grow in Panama

  1. Which country of origin has the highest average rating for coffee?

Tanzania and Panama with average rating 95

  1. Which coffee brand has the best/worst average rating every year?

    • Best: 100% Kona SL-28
    • Worst: CBD Coffee Dark Roast
  2. Which roaster has received the best reviews in terms of average rating?

→ 1951 Coffee Company

  1. How many coffees have a rating above 90?

1.135 Coffee Brands and 1.183 Coffee (combination of Coffee Brand and Roaster)

  1. Which coffee has a “light” roast?

194 Coffee brands and 197 Coffee have Light roast

  1. Which country contributes the most to the dataset in terms of coffee production?

Ethiopia with 415 Coffee Brands

  1. Is there any relationship between the price of coffee and its rating, considering different origins and roast?

→ Coffee price tend to have a positive correlation with its rating

  1. In North America (Roaster location), show a word cloud visual of their coffee’s Aroma.

→ Popular words: Hint, Dried, Flowers and Fresh (Filters Roaster Location: US and Canada)

10.a Top 5 high average rating coffee brands in Asia, do they have a common Mouthfeel?

→ Aged Sumatra Semiga, Alishan Taiwan, Andi Sumatra, Bait Alal Community and Gayo Aceh Sumatra

→ Popular mouthfeel in Asia is Sweet and Acidity

10.b Provide recommendations for future Asian markets.

  • Use coffee brands from Taiwan, Yemen, and the Philippines, as these countries have the highest prices and ratings for coffee in Asia.
  • Focus on coffees with sweet, acidic, and savory flavors, as these are popular tastes in this region
  • Additionally, prioritize medium and medium-light roasts, as these roast types are highly favored.

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