Udemy Course Analysis by-Saddam Ansari

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Udemy Course Analysis by-Saddam Ansari

Udemy Course Analysis Dashboard

About this project

About Udemy

Udemy, Inc. is an education technology company that provides an online learning and teaching platform. It was founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, and Oktay Caglar.

Objective of The Project

The purpose of this Onyx Data DNA challenge is to analyze the sales of Udemy course products and based on this, generate top insights.

Tools Used

Power BI- For Data Analysis and Present Insights

Top Problem Statement Solved Through this Project

Q1.Show Total Course & How many courses are paid or free?

As per the provided dataset spanning from 2011 to 2017, the total number of courses was 3678. Let's break down the courses into paid and free categories:

Total Courses: 3678

Payment Distribution:

Paid Courses: 3368 (91.57%) Free Courses: 310 (8.43%)

This indicates that the majority of courses, comprising 91.57%, are paid, while the remaining 8.43% are free courses.

Q2. Creat Kpi's for- Total Subscribers, Revenue, Avg Course Price, Avg Course Duration, Total Reveiws and Total Lectures

Total Subscribers: 11.76 Million

Revenue Generated: $885 Million

Average Course Price: $66.05

Average Course Duration: 4.09 Hours

Total Reviews Received: 575,000

Total Lectures: 148,000

Q3. Which year were the most courses published?

The year with the highest number of course publications is 2016. In that year, the maximum number of courses were published, making it the most prolific year in terms of course creation.

Q4. Which year were the most revenue generated?

The year 2015, the highest revenue was generated, amounting to $315 million.

Q5. Which category/subject has the most subscribers?

The "Web Development" subject boasts the highest subscriber count, reaching 8 million, which accounts for a substantial 67.87% of the total subscribers.

Q6. Which category/subject has the most revenue generated?

The subject that has generated the highest revenue is web development, amounting to $631 million. This constitutes 71.29% of the total revenue.

Q7. How is the relationship between subscribers and Price?

Free courses garner the highest subscribers, constituting a significant 30.41% of the total. This preference suggests a strong inclination towards no-cost learning. Following this, courses priced at $20 and $200 each have a share of 11% in subscribers. The data implies a trend where a substantial portion of the audience prefers free courses, while a notable segment is willing to invest in both moderately and higher-priced content

Q8. What is a correlation between courses subject and Reviews?

The subject with the highest number of reviews is "Web Development," constituting a substantial 74% of the total reviews.

Q9. Do creators spend less time on free courses compared to paid?

In free courses, the total content duration is 690 hours with an average duration of 2.21 hours. On the other hand, paid courses have a total content duration of 14,370 hours with an average duration of 4.27 hours. Additionally, the review count also supports this trend ,with paid courses receiving significantly more reviews at 442.68k compared to 132k for free courses.

In summary, my analysis indicates that creators invest less time in free courses while dedicating more time to the creation of paid courses.

Q10. Avg Course Duration by Level and Type

Moreover, a level-wise analysis reinforces this observation, clearly indicating that the average duration of free courses is consistently lower than that of paid courses across all levels. This suggests a consistent pattern where creators allocate less time to free courses compared to their paid counterparts at every course level.

Q11. What are the Top 5 Course by numbers of subscribers and Show Course type (Free/Paid)?

The top 5 courses by subscribers all belong to the 'Web Development' subject. Among these, 3 courses are free, and 2 are paid. Notably, the course with the highest number of subscribers is a free web development course, followed by another free course in the second position. The third-ranking course is paid, and the fourth and fifth positions are secured by free and paid web development courses, respectively.

Created & Presented by -Saddam Ansari @ Aspiring Data Analyst

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