CRM Quarterly Sales Performance

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CRM Quarterly Sales Performance

About this project

For this project I play the role of a Sales Analyst who is building a dashboard that helps the Sales Manager to view the Sales Performance at various levels.

The Dataset

The dataset contains B2B sales pipeline data from MavenTech, a company that sells computer hardware, including information on Accounts, Products, Sales Teams, and Sales Opportunities.

Business Use Case and Key Assumptions

The dashboard would be used primarily by the Sales Manager who is looking for answers to the following questions:

  1. How is each sales team performing compared to the rest?
  2. Are any sales agents lagging behind?
  3. Can you identify any quarter-over-quarter trends?
  4. Do any products have better win rates?

Considering the above questions from the Sales Manager, I am making the following assumptions:

  • Sales Manager would want to see the overall performance of their team as compared to the other teams in the same region and globally.
  • They would want to see the performance of each Quarter individually: analyze how each product performed in a certain Quarter, and what was the performance of each sales agent in their team.
  • They would want to see where they rank as compared to other teams in terms of various Sales KPIs.
  • Analysis of quarterly performance would them to understand their progress over time.
  • Opportunity Pipeline would help them to look for sales leads than can be converted into Closed deals.


Current Quarter

This can be called the Homepage where the Sales Manager looks at the performance of the current Quarter.

The five important Sales KPIs are discussed here. Comparison against the previous Quarter, regional average and global average has been provided for the KPIs as well.

  • Total Sales: Sales Revenue generated during the current Quarter.
  • Average Sales Value: Average Sales Value generated during the current Quarter, calculated by taking the average across all ‘Closed Won’ deals.
  • Win Count: Number of deals won during the current Quarter. It shows how many deals are successful in a certain Quarter.
  • Win Rate: Win Rate during the current Quarter, which measures the percentage of opportunities that are successfully closed as wins out of the total number of opportunities pursued. It provides insight into the effectiveness and success rate of a sales team, individual sales agents, or the overall sales process.
  • Average Days to Close: It measures the average number of days it takes for a ‘Closed Won’ deal to move from the initial engagement stage to the closing stage. This metric is crucial for understanding the efficiency and speed of the sales process.

The Opportunity Pipeline shows the potential revenue that can be generated if all deals in the ‘Engaging’ status can be won. Also, it shows the exact count of the opportunities in ‘Engaging’ stage.

Other visuals show the same KPIs for various agents and products.

Sales Breakdown

Breakdown of Sales during the selected Quarter by Sector, Sales Agent, Product and Customer Accounts. It helps to dive deep into the Sales statistics.

Team Ranking

A dashboard listing various Sales KPIs ranking the team accordingly in the list of all teams. A quick comparison that shows where do we stand in our region and globally.

Quarterly Performance

The progress of Sales over time on a quarterly basis, showing the successful products and agents throughout the year. It also shows the opportunities in “Engaging” status created in a Quarter, which would help the Sales Manager to pursue to win the open opportunities.

Opportunity Pipeline

A list of all the open opportunities with the necessary details. This would help the Sales Manager to reach out to the potential customers, offer services, and win the deals in an effective way.

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