The Objectives:-
1.Explore the menu_items table to get an idea of what’s on the menu.
2.Explore order_details table to get an idea of price range and date range.
Insights 📊:
There are 32 new dishes on the menu.
Count of dishes from different categories American 6 , Asian 8, Italian 9, Mexican 9.
Edamame from Asian is the least expensive ($5).
Shrimp Scampi from Italian is the most expensive ($19.95).
Italian dishes are the most expensive (Average price $16.75).
American dishes are most affordable (Average price $10.07).
Total Orders 5370, Number of items ordered 12234.
Maximum Items per order is 14.
Most ordered items are American (Hamburger (5.08%)) and Asian (Edamame (5.06%)).
Highest spending order $192.15.
'Customers spent the most on the 'Korean Beef Bowl' from Asian category, 'Spaghetti & Meatballs' from Italian, 'Steak Torta' from Mexican, 'Cheeseburger' from Mexican.
Despite the higher prices of Italian dishes, customers still prefer to purchase them.
What Cuisines do our top spenders usually like to order from?
Answer: The Highest Spent Orders tend to spend a lot on Italian food. We should keep these expensive Italian foods in our menu because people seem to be ordering them a lot ,especially our highest spend customers.