Tools used in this project
Mobile Phone Sales Analysis

Power BI Dashboard

About this project


This project explores the business patterns in the sale of different brands of mobile phones with the aim of optimizing sales based on each country’s monthly sales performance in the coming year (2022-2023).

The client, Argenis is currently conducting Business Intelligence Solution consulting in order to initiate this month’s mobile phone sales analysis requested an Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) report on her Mobile phone sales data.

The following were her requests for this report!

Please answer a few, not all, of the questions below:

  1. From 2018-2021, which country and distributor had the best sales performance?

  2. What was the seasonal sales trend in each country and distributor?

  3. What was the seasonal inventory cost trend in each country and distributor?

  4. What was the seasonal net profit trend in each country and distributor?

  5. Each year, which brand is the best seller in each country and distributor?

  6. Who is each country's most successful sales rep and distributor?

  7. Which country had the lowest/highest inventory cost from 2018-2021?

  8. Which country had the lowest/highest net profit from 2018-2021?

  9. Can we predict the 2023 sales trend based on historical data?

10.Can we make any recommendations to optimize net sales based on some best sales performance countries

About the Dataset

The client has provided us with relevant mobile phone sales data stored in an Excel file. Noticed that Client not all questions are to be answered based on the data available.


Two key drivers of Sales are Price and Units/Quantity. Being a case of how to optimize sales by country,

The first page was dedicated to understanding mobile brands and sales:

  1. How much sales have been made for each brand

  2. What was the sales trend for each brand

  3. Which of the brands are meeting the monthly sales target? (assuming Avg. monthly sales =target)

  4. Are sales increasing YOY, MOM for each brand?

  5. Finally, how much sales we are likely to generate for each brand in the coming 12 months.

The second page was dedicated to understanding sales in each country.

  1. Where are we generating the most sales and profit?

  2. What is the market share for each mobile brand in each country?

  3. Which is the best seller brand each year in each country?

Insights/Findings While Apple was a top brand with highest sales 2018-2021, it was majorly due to its high price. LG brand, a medium price mobile phone was next in total sales. This was majorly due to its high demand. Closely followed by Samsung. However, this differs by country. There are countries where Apple had the most sales and most quantity demand. These are countries with majorly high-end customers who are after the quality of brand and not necessarily the price. For such countries eg. Columbia, Ireland, Brazil, we recommend stocking latest versions of designer mobile brands in these regions so as to draw customers. Also moving some of Apple and LG brands from low customer spending countries to these countries. Namely, Columbia, Ireland, Brazil. Cetris paribus.

There are countries also where Nokia, a low-price brand had the most sales and most quantity demand. EG. Gwatemala. These are countries with majorly low-end customers. They are low spenders who are drawn to Nokia brands due to its low price. For such countries lower price brands should be the major stock. Consider moving some Nokia brands from high end customer countries to these countries as well. Cetris paribus.

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Discussion and feedback(1 comment)
Adrian Wallace
Adrian Wallace
10 months ago
Good job on this dashboard.
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