Adventure Works Dashboard Report

Adventure Works Dashboard Report

About this project

Project Overview: This project leveraged the transformative power of data analytics to unlock growth opportunities for Adventure Works, a multinational manufacturing company. Using Microsoft Power BI and DAX, we delved into key aspects:

Key Highlights of the Project:

  • Tool Utilized: Microsoft Power BI
  • Language Employed: DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) for tailored calculations and novel metrics.

Stages Involved in Data Analysis:

  • Data Extraction: Utilizing ETL tools such as Power Query to streamline data transformation and loading.
  • Data Cleaning: Addressing null values, error rectification, and the removal of duplicate entries and unnecessary columns.
  • Data Refinement: Harnessing DAX for the formulation of calculated columns and metrics, encompassing Total Revenue, Profits, Order and Return Rate, among others.
  • Data Modeling: Establishing comprehensive one-to-many relationships to facilitate in-depth analysis.
  • Data Visualization: Leveraging an array of visualization tools including Cards, Area Charts, Bars, Doughnuts, Line Trends, Gauges, Metrics Tables, and an interactive navigation panel for seamless report exploration.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

  • Total Orders by Country (2020-2022): The United States of America emerges as the frontrunner with the highest volume of total orders, distinguishing itself among other nations.
  • Top Customer: Mr. Maurice Shan surfaces as the leading patron, contributing a substantial $12.4k in total revenue, reflecting a unique customer base of 17.4k.
  • Best-Selling Product: The "Water Bottle - 30 Oz" stands out with the highest order count, totaling an impressive 3983.
  • High Return Rate Product: Despite registering 51 total orders, the "Road-650 Red 52" exhibits a concerning return rate of 11.76%.

Insight Areas:

  • Regional Performance: Identified top-performing regions and expansion opportunities.
  • Product Analysis: Pinpointed best-sellers and underperformers for strategic development.
  • Customer Segmentation: Unveiled distinct segments for personalized strategies and stronger relationships.
  • Profitability Tracking: Tracked margins across regions and products for revenue optimization.

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