HR Analytics Dashboard

About this project

Project Overview: This project focuses on optimizing employee retention and enhancing workforce management strategies through HR analytics. Employing advanced analytics tools like Powe BI and Excel, we explore critical HR aspects:

Insight Areas:

  1. Employee Attrition Analysis: Investigate factors influencing attrition rates, such as tenure, performance, and engagement metrics, to develop targeted retention strategies.
  2. Performance Evaluation: Assess individual and team performance metrics to identify top performers and areas for improvement.
  3. Demographic Analysis: Analyze workforce demographics to understand diversity and inclusion metrics and address any disparities.
  4. Employee Engagement: Measure employee satisfaction levels through surveys, feedback, and performance reviews to foster a positive work environment.


  • Attrition Mitigation: Implement retention strategies based on insights gained to reduce turnover rates and improve employee retention.
  • Performance Enhancement: Identify high-performing individuals and teams, enabling targeted interventions for improved productivity.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Address diversity gaps and promote an inclusive workplace culture by leveraging demographic insights.
  • Workforce Satisfaction: Enhance employee morale and engagement through data-driven initiatives tailored to meet employee needs.

Additional Insights:

  • Utilized Power BI and Excel for thorough data analysis and visualization.
  • Analytical stages encompass data extraction, cleaning, modelling, and visualization.
  • Key HR metrics such as attrition rates, performance evaluations, demographic breakdowns, and employee satisfaction scores drive informed decision-making for strategic HR planning.
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